Reflex Fire Detection System
Product Code: FMZ 5000
Manufacturer: Minimax GmbH & Co. KG
In many industrial material processes pockets of embers, light sparks, and open flames can develop which must be identified in a split second and extinguished without delay or eliminated from the production process altogether.
The Minimax Reflex module makes this possible. Even the name of the new reflex module highlights the fact that both fire detection and activated reaction are executed at the speed of reflex responses. The time between detection and setting off the extinguishing action amounts to 1 millisecond. This means that the Reflex module is able to offer extremely effective protection.
Additional protection is offered by the constant and precise performance monitoring of all important components of the plant, like detectors, solenoid valves, and electrical lines. The operator is informed in good time of possible disruptions to the flow of operations, providing the opportunity to respond either manually or automatically. By recording the exact millisecond time difference between fire detection and reaction, fire events can be understood more clearly and targeted effective measures can be implemented to minimize the risk.
The modular arrangement of Minimax� s FMZ 5000 Fire Detection System means that the Reflex module can be easily integrated into the fire detection control panel. Components from several Reflex modules can be connected together, allowing combinations of several extinguishing zones and the creation of extinguishing zones which can be as large as desired. The Reflex module can be easily retrofitted into existing systems. Conventional fire detection systems can therefore immediately detect and instantly react to the threat. As well as providing the highest levels of security, it also offers an economic alternative to conventional, separate fire detection and extinguishing systems. |